Links to Published Works
Scribd page
Houses many pdf files of Timothy's musical scores and
Where some scores of Timothy's can be purchased
Soundcloud page
Which houses recordings of many of the pieces listed below
Bandcamp page
Where recordings of many of the pieces listed below can be purchased for download
The Milly Pond Skulk
A track/piece that diverges strongly from Timothy's usual classical style, into the world of synth pop.
The River
An emotionally turbulent piece for flute and piano.
Floating Through Jupiter's Atmosphere in a Glass Bubble (Adapted)
An adaptation of an original piece by the same name composed in 2010, arranged for piano, flute, and cello.
Ezra's Nighttime Explorations into the Land of Trolls
The fourth, most active piece dedicated to Timothy's young nephew, Ezra Ballan. While the others were lullabies, this piece is imbued with a sense of adventure and fantasy, though centered around lullaby-like material.
The SBGC Music Room
This piece for toy piano is descriptive of the chaos and fun that ensues in the music room at a local youth center where Timothy has worked.
Glances Through an Arboretum
A gentle, evocative piece for flute and piano.
A Nighttime Prayer
A short string quartet with both playful and solemn elements.
Little Ezra's Dream
An adaptation of a small section of Timothy's larger-scale piece, Ezra's Second Lullaby.
Ezra's Second Lullaby
A piece written to celebrate the first birthday of Timothy's nephew, Ezra Ballan.
Vicious Circles and Infinity (Original Score to Thomas Matthew Campbell's Film)
Timothy's original score to Thomas Matthew Campbell's supernatural adventure film, Vicious Circles and Infinity, which is viewable here.
Ezra's Lullaby
A lullaby written for the birth of Timothy's second nephew, Ezra Ballan.
Finding My Way
An emotional piece written with the intention of representing the range of Timothy's musical sensibilities.
Thicker Than Water (Suite from the Original Score to Thomas Matthew Campbell's Film)
A suite based off of Timothy's score to Thomas Matthew Campbell's supernatural adventure film, Thicker Than Water, which is viewable here.
A Christmas Fantasia
A piece for strings, woodwinds, percussion, and sitar based around a melody reminiscent of centuries-old religious Christmas music.
August's Second Birthday
A uniquely-orchestrated adaptation of the traditional Swedish song "Lunka På", written for Timothy's nephew for his second birthday.
A Holy Night
A piece for piano which incorporates and builds on a small amount of elements from "O Holy Night" by Adolphe Adam.
Shared Experiences
This piece is inspired both by world music and film music. It is also the score to a wordless video created by Timothy, available on Youtube here. The video incorporates footage of musicians and dancers from all over the world, entrancing animation, and images of our solar system and beyond. The video is open to interpretation, but at least one message underlying the video is clear: in multiple senses, we are all connected.
The Trail at Crane Beach
An evocative, poem-like piece for orchestra.
What Can Never Be
A tragically emotional romantic piece for strings, woodwinds, and percussion.
Arnaldo Meets the Flying Bears of Treeland
A short flute and clarinet duet adapted from a melody from my large-scale piece, Arnaldo's Lessons in Treeland.
The Changing of Seasons
A piece for string orchestra, woodwinds, and percussion meant to convey a nostalgic longing for the past.
A Woodland's First Snow
A piece for cello, piano, flute, and two drum sticks hit together. The piece is meant to describe the scenery and activity of a forest under its first notable snowfall of the winter.
A mysterious, minimalistic piece for string ensemble.
August's Second Lullaby
Timothy's present to his nephew for his first birthday.
Fantasia on "Silent Night"
A piece for string orchestra and pitched percussion based around the melody from "Silent Night".
A piece based around a melody reminiscent of an old English folk tune.
Good Grandmothers
A piece for small ensemble with three sections that are meant to describe, one, Timothy's maternal grandmother, two, his paternal grandmother, and, three, all good grandmothers in the world.
Arnaldo's Lessons in Treeland
A piece for a brass-less orchestra meant to tell the story of a boy, Arnaldo, who wakes up in a giant nest in a giant tree after somehow losing consciousness while playing in the woods during a thunderstorm. When he wakes up, Arnaldo notices that the tree he is on is interconnected with similar giant trees for as far as he can see, and he thinks how much he would rather live up in this "treeland" than in the rough neighborhood where he does live. However, Arnaldo soon meets the owners of the nest where he awoke, giant flying bears, who give Arnaldo advice and have a large prayer ceremony for him, to help him understand that he must face reality. After the prayer ceremony, he wakes up in his bed in his home, and he suddenly feels ready to accept the challenge of the real world before him.
Cholorean Fragula
A chamber piece mixing elements of both Baroque and Spanish dance music.
Several Things
A moody piece for orchestra with distinct nine sections.
The Witch's Swampwoods
A piece for large orchestra meant to reflect the mysteriousness of a swampy woodland that a reclusive witch calls home.
Darlene Ballan's Flower Garden
A descriptive piece for small ensemble meant to reflect the nature of Timothy's mother's gorgeous flower garden.
The Magician Who Lives in a Giant Bird's Nest
A dramatic and mysterious woodwind trio.
A Death Lullaby
A warm lullaby for woodwind trio with emotional overtones.
Three Lullabies for August Noah David Ballan A piece for small ensemble composed of three distinct lullabies each dedicated to Timothy's nephew born in 2013.
"M" Is for "Mother" (Extended Version of Original Score to Jared Skolnick's Film)
An extended version of Timothy's original score to Jared's Skolnick's short horror film, which is viewable here.
A Jerry Goldsmith-Inspired Adventure Westward
A piece for orchestra fashioned after Western film scores by the late Jerry Goldsmith and dedicated to Timothy's father, David Ballan, a lover of Western films' music.
In Acknowledgement of the History of Unfulfilled Human Longings
A somber and dramatic piece for string orchestra that is meant to musically translate a poem I had written entitled "The History of Unmet Human Longings":
From the birth of man,
A bloodline of unrequited love
and desires unfulfilled,
An unfading disease of hollowing undeserved unrecognition,
The legacy of neglect, abuse, and dismissal,
of starving loneliness,
The unbroken custom of ignored important messages,
and all leaving the poisoning question,
Am I worth what I think I am?
Let the collective wound of the desperate throughout time bind and comfort us.
Kevin's Song
A piece for small ensemble meant to reflect the intense, bittersweet emotions involved in ending a romantic relationship with someone still deeply loved.
A long piece for violin and clarinet divided into three sections each meant to elicit a sense of some sort of beautiful loneliness and cold.
Prometheus's Fire
An emotional and intense piece for orchestra whose main section involves a gradual build from a solo flute line all the way to a dramatic climax involving the entire orchestra.
The Earth Rejects Him (Original Score to Jared Skolnick's Film)
Timothy's original score to Jared Skolnick's film, which is viewable here.
Lullaby for Future Children
A wistful piece for small ensemble.
Benediction and Celebration
A simple, two-movement piece for string orchestra.
Dance Macabre
A piece for large orchestra structured similarly to a piece by 19th Century composer Camille Saint-Saëns entitled "Danse Macabre".
Thanksgiving Melodies
A piece for woodwind quintet composed of several distinct melodies each meant to elicit the warmth and love of an ideal Thanksgiving day.
A lullaby-like piece for small ensemble.
A piece for large orchestra inspired by atmospheric soundscapes, but gradually building to a loudly dissonant climax.
Incantious Hummings
A chamber piece partly inspired Orthodox Christian chanting, while also involving sometimes dark and sometimes hopeful emotional melodies.
The Countryside Minstrel
A pastoral chamber piece dedicated to a few of Timothy's friends who play the instruments represented in the piece.
Old Greensleeves
A chamber piece based on the chorus of the traditional song "Greensleeves".
Nonsymbolic Broodings
A dark and solemn piece for string quintet, woodwinds, and piano.
Overture to the Good Mothman
A piece for wind ensemble meant to evoke a sense of mystery, wonder, and adventure in deep space.
Floating Through Jupiter's Atmosphere in a Glass Bubble
A piece meant to narrate an imaginary journey flying through different parts of Jupiter's atmosphere.
Play and/or Improvise On
A piece for violin and piano with a structure lending to––and inviting of––improvisation.
Maudlinesque Roots
A piece for string quartet and oboe built around a sense of improvisation.
A relatively easily-performed, tuneful short piece for piano.
Keyboring Exercise
An étude for piano.
Rhumbish Collesque
An asymmetrically-rhythmic dance-like piece for wind ensemble.
Midsummer Night's Blue
A short, active orchestral piece with blues-oriented influences.
Christmas Bagatelle
A cheerful song-like piece for woodwind choir.
A short prelude for string quartet.
Hymn to Reason
A song-like piece for trombone and piano.
The Conception of Life
A piece for piano and clarinet meant to reflect the profundity of the nature of conception in the womb. The piece begins at a slow whisper and gradually builds to a dramatic climax, before falling back down into quietude.
Fall in Sturbridge, Massachusetts
A pastoral piece for french horn, flute, and harp, whose melodies were conceived while driving on country roads in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.
Percussive Exercise
An étude-like short piece for various percussion.
Songs for the Seas
An emotionally varied piece for solo cello and piano.
Nafie's Song
A piece for solo piano meant to convey a range of romantic emotions.
The Pioneer Valley of the Connecticut River
A simple, bucolic piece for two violins.
Cosmotic Ambertones
A short, fanfare-like orchestral piece.
Funeral for Religion
A tense piece for wind ensemble based around Christian chant.
The Lonely Herder
A somber piece for two celli.
A Part of You
A short choral piece accompanied by piano and percussion.
The Study of Consciousness
A piece for solo piano designed to reflect the complexity, confusion, and wonder underlying the contemporary study of consciousness.
Moon's Lullaby
A song for voice and piano describing an existential appeal to the moon.
Two Paths
A piece for solo piano meant to describe the heartache but reassurance found in the need to part ways with someone whose life path is very different from one's own.
Fearful Images
A darkly emotional piece for string quartet based around four different nightmares.
A Lonely Winter Night in Rural Central New York
A piece for solo piano meant to describe the landscape and emotions of its title.
Score to "Positive Images"
A score meant to accompany the short story Timothy wrote, "Positive Images", which can found in his book,
Positive, Curious, and Cold Images
Olden Song
A short piece for wordless choir based around a melody reminiscent of old English folk song.
A simple, flowing piece for cello, violin, and oboe.
A Drive Through the White Mountains of New Hampshire
A gently flowing piece for harp, flute, and celli whose melodies were conceived while driving in northern New Hampshire in February, 2006.
Good-Night Song
A somber, lullaby-piece for woodwind quartet.
I and II
A two-movement minimalist piece for string quartet.
A lilting, melodic piece for solo piano.
A Dream of Other Worlds
A dream-like piece for two flutes, cello, and piano.
The Towering Pines
A piece for solo piano meant to depict a forest of monumental evergreen trees.
Tragedy and Healing
A two-part large work for piano meant to depict seemingly overwhelming tragedy and then its slow transformation into healing.
Low Quality Realizations, Recordings, and Performances of Some Works